Dee Dee - eleven year old sister of the main character. Its existence, he keeps a closely guarded secret, but the elder sister found out about it, and now she gets there, and all the spoils. He considers it useless in the laboratory creates a bogus note from the parents to free themselves from the exercise, and instead go to the library or work in the laboratory, which he had built under the earth to the entrance of his room. For all the subjects he is fine, but with exercise did not happen. Like all geeks, Dexter poor eyesight - he wears glasses with thick lenses. The father even thought that his mental disabilities, but the doctor assured him otherwise. From the first days after birth, he showed himself a unique child, even a baby, he was not particularly attractive - with a large, disproportionate head. He continues to experiment, to generate new inventions, inspired by the works of Einstein, whose portrait hangs in his locker on the wall in the laboratory. Knowing the animated version of Dexter, anticipating his adventures in the virtual space of the game, Dexter. On the so-nugget tell the game Dexter's Laboratory, which was preceded by the eponymous animated series in the genre of science fiction. Games Dexter's Laboratory: the birth of a genius Lucky to be born just some geeks! Science is given to them easily, and they are favorites of teachers.
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